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Panorama photo games

“MÖF” game


MÖF logó The organizers and participating institutions of the Autumn Festival of Museums 2017 initiated an interactive series of games in relation to the given locations. The respective online pack of games could be started by reading the QR code exhibited at that locality (museum, exhibition, etc.).


After loading and starting the local pack of games the player is brought to a virtual exhibition and can look around there. The first challenge is to catch the randomly appearing hedgehogs. The next task is to work out the interactive game assigned to the hedge just caught. If the player successfully passes this challenge the hedgehog gets stored in the basket of the location, otherwise that hedgehog needs to be caught again. There are usually several hedgehogs to be caught at every virtual exhibition. The game can be suspended at any time and resumed later. The overall aim of the game is to collect the most hedgehogs at most locations.



Museum of Ethnography

Néprajzi Múzeum logó A 3-days program series entitled “Everything about the Museum of Ethnography” was organized in December 2017 with the aim to present the diverse activities for the last time, before the building of the Museum on Kossuth Square got closed.


We contributed to the program series with a smartphone game, where camera icons appeared on the panorama picture of the Museum of Ethnography. After clicking on an icon, questions regarding movie films shot at the given location appeared. Players could collect points by properly answering these questions.

Néprajzi Múzeum



Gellért fürdő Saint Gellért Thermal Bath and Swimming Pool celebrated its 100th anniversary in September 2018. On this occasion visitors to the spa were greeted with a photo exhibition, showing a film and music programs.


We introduced here a game which presented panorama pictures of the spa. Upon clicking on icons in the picture, questions regarding movie films shot at this location appeared. Visitors could amuse themselves by answering the questions.

Gellért fürdő


Attila József panorama game

MuseumDigit “MuseumDigit” conferences organized at the premises of the Hungarian National Museum represent an outstanding professional occasion of the region covering new trends in digital technologies, innovations, and creative use of content in cultural heritage.

eLearning Department of SZTAKI participated as an exhibitor at the “MuseumDigit” Conference in 2018 by presenting a panorama game regarding the life of Attila József. In addition to introducing real location with respect to the life of Attila József, a virtual room inspired by the Memorial Place of the poet is also reproduced.

József Attila játék