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E-learning related services

Digital Encyclopedia of Hydrology („VDT”)

“VDT” has been created for students, tutors and practicing professionals in Hydrology to host a vast collection of technical information: digital curricula, selected photo- and video archives, scripts of journals, reference- and handbooks, as well as an online explanatory guide of Hydrology.

The first version of “VDT” was compiled and filled in with technical contents by the “József Eötvös” Highschool, the for-runner of NKE VTK (Ludovika University of Public Service, Faculty of Water Sciences), in the frame of the project “TÁMOP-4.1.1.C-12/1/KONV-2012-0015”. The Faculty of Water Sciences extended and improved this setup while implementing the project „EFOP-3.4.3-16-2016-00003”.

Vízügyi DigitálisTudástár


The web page of “VDT”:

The eLearning Department of SZTAKI has provided methodological support and IT services and contributed with the development of e-learning training materials in the implementation, setting up and improvement of “VDT”.

Secrets of the Ancient Thracians

Entitled “Secrets of the Ancient Thracians” is a multilingual (Hungarian, Bulgarian and English) training game jointly developed by the staff of the eLearning Department of SZTAKI and the Institute for Informatics and Mathematics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. It helps to discover the life, beliefs and traditions of the ancient nation of Tracians.

Az ősi Trákia titkai


The web page of the game:

Publications and presentations:

The game engine developed by the eLearning Department of SZTAKI enables the display of minigames in a 360º virtual panorama environment.